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This is the scrapbook.

Here is where random information goes. Most of them are little snippets of information, stories, quick fixes or references to additional scrapbook-style information – short notes that were helpful to me and might be useful to someone else. Of course, this is only meant as a suggestion, without any guarantee or assurance of function or feasibility. If you would like my professional, technical support, please contact me at

Die “Kladde”

Hier landen zufällige Informationen. Die meisten davon sind kleine Informationsschnipsel,Geschichten,  schnelle Lösungen oder Verweise auf zusätzliche Informationen im Sammelalbum-Stil – kurze Notizen, die für mich hilfreich waren und vielleicht auch für jemand anderen nützlich sein können. Natürlich ist das hier nur als Anregung zu verstehen, ohne jegliche Gewähr oder Zusicherung einer Funktion oder Machbarkeit. Wenn Sie meine professionelle, technische Unterstützung möchten, Kontaktieren Sie mich bitte über

Month: May 2024

Oilama  model classification (Deep Seek)

Oilama model classification (Deep Seek)

ARC-Easy - AI2 Reasoning Challenge, Easy Level: A dataset of grade-school level, multiple-choice science questions designed to evaluate the reasoning abilities of AI systems. AGIEval - Might refer to an AI General Intelligence Evaluation, but the specific evaluation...

High-Performance Agent Network with local LLMs

1. Overview of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) Multi-Agent Systems consist of multiple agents that interact within a shared environment. Each agent typically performs tasks based on its capabilities and objectives. In the context of using LLMs, each agent might employ a...

Web scraping with bs4 fails with error 403

The reason may be the missing headers …. import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup # Send an HTTP request to the website and get the HTML response —> headers = {“user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)...