Claus’s gone, left for the next months!
The trip started — waiting excited about all the small and big adventures to come. Heading east / north through Germany still feels more like a friends and family visit (which it actually is) but this will change in a short while 🙂
It’s a relief that packing and all the thoughts what to take or not is history (really, it was time!) and it’s good to be on the road again! I am prepared! For photographing nature and humans, road-tripping and even more comfy outdoor-living (in case I stay somewhere for a while or having guests), outdoor-cooking and – if necessary – ‘off-road’ driving.
Scotland in January/February was a good experience and I made some modifications based on those ‘lessons learnt’.
If you follow my journey, you will see all this little useful inventions, stuff and the exciting things happening during the trip).