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This is the scrapbook.

Here is where random information goes. Most of them are little snippets of information, stories, quick fixes or references to additional scrapbook-style information – short notes that were helpful to me and might be useful to someone else. Of course, this is only meant as a suggestion, without any guarantee or assurance of function or feasibility. If you would like my professional, technical support, please contact me at

Die “Kladde”

Hier landen zufällige Informationen. Die meisten davon sind kleine Informationsschnipsel,Geschichten,  schnelle Lösungen oder Verweise auf zusätzliche Informationen im Sammelalbum-Stil – kurze Notizen, die für mich hilfreich waren und vielleicht auch für jemand anderen nützlich sein können. Natürlich ist das hier nur als Anregung zu verstehen, ohne jegliche Gewähr oder Zusicherung einer Funktion oder Machbarkeit. Wenn Sie meine professionelle, technische Unterstützung möchten, Kontaktieren Sie mich bitte über

Scotland day 16

by | Apr 2, 2019 | Scotland | 0 comments

Day 16, January 26

Actually, it should already be bright outside. Strange! It seems very foggy and dark. A moment later, I realize why it is. Snow is lying on the windows or rather: sticks to it. Everything is white! Wonderful! I would like to stay, but I am on the way and the battery to supply my heater must be charged. I continues after one, no two coffee. The road is white, but after a few kilometers it turns into mud. It is pouring in torrents. The weather report spoke of 41 mm / square meter. That is much! I continue to the Isle of Skye. Just before the bridge that connects the island with the mainland, I stop. A small town with harbor, gas station, pub, fish & amp; Chips shop, very clean public toilets and showers and communal washing machine. Apart from the harbor and the washing machine, this is also roughly the order in which I used the services or will use them tomorrow morning. The beers were delicious, the fish and the chips too. However, the pub was pretty crazy, a table with locals in the corner, a few men at the bar, engrossed in football. Not so mine. But fast internet. I took the opportunity to download some movie from Amazon Prime. Stand at the edge of the harbor and wait for a peaceful, if stormy night and watch “The Lady in the Water”, my random selection. Funny, not so long ago I would have imagined something different on a stormy night.

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