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This is the scrapbook.

Here is where random information goes. Most of them are little snippets of information, stories, quick fixes or references to additional scrapbook-style information – short notes that were helpful to me and might be useful to someone else. Of course, this is only meant as a suggestion, without any guarantee or assurance of function or feasibility. If you would like my professional, technical support, please contact me at

Die “Kladde”

Hier landen zufällige Informationen. Die meisten davon sind kleine Informationsschnipsel,Geschichten,  schnelle Lösungen oder Verweise auf zusätzliche Informationen im Sammelalbum-Stil – kurze Notizen, die für mich hilfreich waren und vielleicht auch für jemand anderen nützlich sein können. Natürlich ist das hier nur als Anregung zu verstehen, ohne jegliche Gewähr oder Zusicherung einer Funktion oder Machbarkeit. Wenn Sie meine professionelle, technische Unterstützung möchten, Kontaktieren Sie mich bitte über

Scotland day 17

by | Apr 2, 2019 | Scotland | 0 comments

Day 17, January 27

The storm warning was right. I have never seen the car fluctuate so much, not even back then in Spain, at the end of the world. I often woke up, it was too unfamiliar.

I showered extensively in the morning !!! I was still undecided whether I should go around the island right or left. When the sun shone through the clouds, I decided on the left side. On the map I see, on a slightly smaller street, the attraction “Fairy Pools”, cascades with deep blue water. Why not? Oh god, on the otherwise almost deserted route an almost full parking lot. I drive on and discover along this lonely dead end a few beautiful waterfalls.

I do not need the crowds at the pools. So I drive over again. But now the sun comes out of the clouds, maybe, the light could be just right now. So I turn around. On the short hike to the pools I am approached by two pretty redheads, if I could not take a picture of them. Nothing better than that! Somehow they both look like the red-haired mermaid in the movie yesterday, a movie I would hardly have watched under normal circumstances. And that at the Fairy Pools! Too bad I should have plugged in my other lens. I would have liked to take a photo session with them, but neither for this nor for a long talk was it the right opportunity. But a funny little jiffy of life’s surprises. The pools: less spectacular. I took some pictures, hiked around and then drove back. I found a nice place, again alone in the landscape. There was sweet potato with black pudding, roasted pear and a fantastic night sky later.

[osm_map_v3 map_center=”58.0893,-4.7591″ zoom=”8″ width=”100%” height=”450″ control=”fullscreen,scaleline,mouseposition” file_list=”../../../../wp-content/uploads/sc/d17/doc.kml” file_color_list=”” file_title=”doc.kml”]