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This is the scrapbook.

Here is where random information goes. Most of them are little snippets of information, stories, quick fixes or references to additional scrapbook-style information – short notes that were helpful to me and might be useful to someone else. Of course, this is only meant as a suggestion, without any guarantee or assurance of function or feasibility. If you would like my professional, technical support, please contact me at

Die “Kladde”

Hier landen zufällige Informationen. Die meisten davon sind kleine Informationsschnipsel,Geschichten,  schnelle Lösungen oder Verweise auf zusätzliche Informationen im Sammelalbum-Stil – kurze Notizen, die für mich hilfreich waren und vielleicht auch für jemand anderen nützlich sein können. Natürlich ist das hier nur als Anregung zu verstehen, ohne jegliche Gewähr oder Zusicherung einer Funktion oder Machbarkeit. Wenn Sie meine professionelle, technische Unterstützung möchten, Kontaktieren Sie mich bitte über


Scotland day 15

Scotland day 15

Day 15, January 25 I am in the middle of nowhere. Really nothing - except a car wreck from the fifties. Take a few pictures. Sun, rain, storm gusts...

Scotland day 14

Scotland day 14

Day 14, 24. January The sound of the wind and the sea has a calming effect on me. I slept wonderfully and very long. In the morning I was busy with...

Scotland day 14

Scotland day 13

Day 13, January 23 When I woke up, I was fascinated by the play of the wind with the clouds and the waves. It can not take much...

Scotland day 12

Scotland day 12

     Tag 12, 22. Januar Früh am Morgen habe ich hier noch ein paar sensationelle Bilder machen können. Dann ging es weiter. Richtung: nördlichster Punkt Großbritanniens. Natürlich...

Scotland day 11

Scotland day 11

Day 11, January 21 Nothing has come of the lunar eclipse, at least not for me. It was cold, rainy and heavily overcast. After a coffee I drove on to the north. It is not far to...

Scotland day 11

Scotland day 10

Day 10, January 20, Aviemore It was a very quiet night. In the evening, I had a bit of the pub Wi-Fi exploited, which just reaches to my place. It was not...

Scotland day 9

Scotland day 9

Day 9, January 19 Saturday morning, from 6 clock is here operation. All with their dogs. I admire this little bridge, which is completely useless for two hours at high tide - just a...

Scotland day 8

Scotland day 8

Day 8, January 18 In the morning I took a lot of time. It was just too nice not to go for a walk and did not drive until eleven. Continue along the coast....

Scotland Day 7

Scotland Day 7

Day 7, January 17 After a hearty breakfast and a tour of the garden, the rest of the day was a drive day. Pretty close to sunset, I found a wonderful beach area about 20 minutes north of...

Scotland day 6

Scotland day 6

Day 6, January 16 I am awakened by the noise of the construction site vehicles that are piling up the road here to lay a new water pipe. I have breakfast and...